Application Guide

The application guide is used to organize equipment and vehicle data along with field uses and locations.


Use the dashboard to quickly find an application or a specific serial number within an application.  Click on the gear icon next to a result to jump directly into an application.

Create a New Application

Create a new application by clicking the “+ New Application” button in the top right and then selecting or adding new Year, Make and Model information (not all information is required depending on your applications).

General Application Information

Update application code, slug (exact address), name and status as well as add an image to drive the selection process. Click the “Save” button in the top right corner to save your changes.

Application Data

Use the Application Data tile to view or edit the specific details of your application including Make, Model and Year.


Use the Documents tile to associate documents with a specific application – these could be anything from user manuals to safety information.


Use the Products tile to view which products have fitment to this specific application.

You can view specific configurations for the product/application mapping by clicking the blue button which will show individual items tied to the application as well as any specific properties for the association:

You can create content specific to the product/application intersection by clicking the black file button:

You may also delete the association between a product and the application by clicking the “X” button or jump directly to editing the product by clicking the gear icon.

Service Articles

Associate service articles with the application.  Service articles may be shared across multiple applications and/or products.


View a list of customers that have created an association with this particular application.

Assign specific serial numbers to an application to allow customers to search by serial number.


Attach custom attributes to an application – attributes can be custom to your applications, but may include things like “number of doors” or “bed size” in the case of a pick-up truck.


Create custom content specific to the application.

Display, Search and Visibility

Enter meta data for your application.


View changes in the workflow related to the application with the change, date/time and the person that made the change.

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